Selasa, 06 Desember 2016

Pengetahuan dan Perilaku

Pengertian - Definisi Pengetahuan 
Baiklah kali ini saya akan membahas tentang Pengetahuan dan Perilaku.
                      Menurut Notoatmodjo (2011), pengetahuan merupakan hasil dari tahu, dan ini terjadi setelah orang melakukan pengindraan terhadap suatu objek tertentu. Pengindraan melalui panca indra manusia yang meliputi indra penglihatan pendengaran, penciuman, rasa dan raba. Pengetahuan manusia diperoleh melalui mata dan telinga. Pengetahuan atau kognitif merupakan domain yang sangat penting bagi terbentuknya tindakan seseorang (overt behavior). 
Karena dari Pengalaman dan penelitian oleh perilaku yang didasari oleh pengetahuan akan lebih langgeng daripada perilaku yang tidak didasari oleh pengetahuan. Penelitian Rogers (1974) mengungkapkan bahwa sebelum orang mengadopsi perilaku baru (berperilaku baru) di dalam diri orang tersebut terjadi proses yang berurutan ,yang disebut AIETA, yakni: 
1) Awarness (kesadaran), dimana orang tersebut menyadari dalam arti mengetahui terlebih dahulu terhadap stimulus (objek). 
2) Interest(merasa tertarik) terhadap stimulus atau objek tersebut. Disini sikap subjek sudah mulai timbul. 
3) Evaluation (menimbang-nimbang) terhadap baik dan tidaknya stimulus tersebut bagi dirinya. Hal ini berarti sikap responden lebih baik lagi. 
4) Trial, dimana subjek mulai mencoba melakukan sesuatu dengan apa yang dihendaki oleh stimulus.
5) Adoption, dimana subjek telah berperilaku baru sesuai dengan pengetahuan, kesadaran, dan sikapnya terhadap stimulus. 
knowledge, behavior, pengetahuan, perilaku
Masih menurut Notoatmodjo (2011), Pengetahuan yang dicakupi dalam domain kognitif mempunyi enam tingkat, yaitu : 
a. Tahu (know) 
Tahu diartikan sebagai mengingat suatu materi yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya. Termasuk ke dalam pengetahuan tingkat ini adalah mengingat kembali (recall) terhadap sesuatuyang spesifik dari seluruh bahan yang dipelajari atau rangsangan yang telah diterima. Oleh sebab itu,tahu ini merupakan tingkat pengetahuan yang paling rendah. Kata kerja untuk mengukur bahwa orang tahu tentang apa yang dipelajari antara lain : menyebutkan, menguraikan, mendefinisika, menyatakan, dan sebagainya.
b. Memahami (comprehension) 
Memahami diartikan sebagai suatu kemampuan menjelaskan secara benar tentang objek yang diketahui, dan dapat menginterpresi materi tersebut secara benar. Orang yang telah paham terhadap objek atau materi harus dapat menjelaskan dan menyebutkan. 
c. Aplikasi (application) 
Aplikasi diartikan sebagai kemampuan untuk menggunakan materi yang telah dipelajari pada situasi atau kondisi riil (sebenarnya). Aplikasi disini dapat diartikan aplikasi atau penggunaan hukum-hukum, rumus, metode, prinsip, dan sebagainya dalam konteks atau situasi yang lain. 
d. Analisis (anallysis) 
Analisis adalah suatu kemampuan untuk menjabarkan materi atau suatu objek ke dalam komponen-komponen, tetapi masih di dalam suatu struktur organisasi tersebut, dan rnasih ada kaitannya satu sama lain. Kemampuan analisis ini dapat dilihat dari penggunaan kata-kata kerja: dapat menggambarkan (membuat bagan), membedakan, memisahkan, mengelompkan, dan seba 
e. Sistesis (synthesis) 
Sintesis menunjuk kepada suatu kemampuan unuk melakukan atau menghubungkan bagian-bagian di dalam suatubentuk keseluruhan yang baru. Dengan kata lain sistesis itu suatu kemampuan untuk menyusun formulasi baru dari formulasi-formulasi yang ada. Misalnya dapat menyusun, dapat merencanakan, dapat meringkaskan, dapat menyesuaikan, dan sebagainya, terhadap suatu teori atau rumusan-rumusan yang telah ada. 
f. Evaluasi (evaluation) 
Evaluasi ini berkaitan dengan kemampuan untuk melakukan justifikasi atau penilaian terhadap suatu materi atau objek. Penilaian-penilaian itu berdasarkan suatu kriteria yang ditentukan sendiri, atau menggunakan kriteria-kriteria yang telah ada. Demikian yang saya dapat sampai kan,mohon maaf jika ada tutur salah kata.

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Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

How to Control The Ego and Emotion

I personally was a cinch emotion, hard to control myself, selfish, and impatient ..
Graduated from college and began working to make me feel a little more able to control myself, began to realize that many org that it can not accept the nature and attitude.
When I met couples, I'm not too enthusiastic, because when I was emotional, he was silent, indeterminate respond, so morbidly channeled my emotions and disappear, cut precipitate.
Socializing with various characteristics and attitudes to work, entrepreneurship, housekeeping, made me very conscious, not the narrow world .. 
When I was dropped or elevated, does not necessarily make me worse or be proud of ourselves, because all of the process, not the results. And for me, all of the tests. 
Many circumstances make me throw away all the ego, emotions, and turn it into a mature mind .. Because "not necessarily succumb to lose" Well, it must be enjoyed .. 
I am sure, all of which look miserable or painful yesterday and today, if I bs accept it with positive and believe they are on the right path, one day, the results will be amazing .. Allah is good .. 
"The Lord thy favor Which do you deny?" I had more reason to be grateful rather than complain. Allah is good ..

Senin, 24 Oktober 2016

Mengendalikan dan Mengelola Ego dan Emosi

Oleh : Isna  Mei Iriyana Dewi
Tadinya saya pribadi yg mudah emosi, sulit mengendalikan diri, egois, dan tidak sabaran.. 
Lulus kuliah dan mulai bekerja membuat saya merasa lebih bisa sedikit mengendalikan diri, mulai menyadari bahwa banyak org yg ternyata tdk bisa menerima sifat dan sikap kita. 
Sumber :
Kenal dengan sosok suami pun membuat saya tidak terlalu "meluap2", karena ketika saya emosi, beliau hanya diam, tdk menanggapi, jadi emosi saya tdk tersalurkan dan alhamdulillah menghilang, tdk mengendap.
Bersosialisasi dengan beraneka sifat dan sikap orang dengan bekerja, berwirausaha, berumahtangga, membuat saya sangat sadar, dunia tidak selebar daun kelor.. Daun kelor tidak akan bisa menampung beragam karakter orang.. 
Ketika saya dijatuhkan ataupun ditinggikan, tidak lantas membuat saya terpuruk atau berbangga diri, karena semua itu proses, bukan hasil. Dan bagi saya, semua itu ujian. Diberi masalah ujian, pun diberi kesenangan, itu jg ujian..Selalu ada "ujian" di setiap "pujian" 
Banyak keadaan yg membuat saya membuang jauh2 segala ego, emosi, dan merubahnya menjadi pikiran dewasa.. 
Karena "mengalah belum tentu kalah" 
Well, itu pun harus dinikmati.. 
Saya yakin, semua yang terlihat menyedihkan atau menyakitkan kemarin dan saat ini, jika saya bs menerimanya dengan positif dan percaya masih berada di jalan yang benar, suatu hari nanti, hasilnya akan luar biasa.. Allah Maha Baik.. 
"maka nikmat Tuhan-Mu manakah yang kamu dustakan?" 
Saya punya lebih banyak alasan utk selalu bersyukur drpd mengeluh. Allah Maha Baik..

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2016

Definition and Concept of Financial Management

Definition of Financial Management has developed from the definition of management that only prioritize to the activity of obtaining funds until the activities of obtaining and using funds and management of assets. Financial Management (Finance Management) is the entire activity or activities of the company in the context of the use and allocation of company funds efficiently. According to George R. Terry, management includes four activities often known as POAC (Planning, Organizing, Actuating, and Controlling)
money management
According to Bambang Riyanto: financial management is all company activities related to the procurement of funds required with minimal cost and most favorable conditions with efforts to use the funds as efficiently as possible.
Concept of Financial Management
To perform its functions, a company must perform the functions well, since in the implementation, each function relates each other. Financial management is the management of the financial functions. Meanwhile, the function of finance is the main activities performed by those who are responsible in the particular field. The functions of financial management are using and placing the funds.
Financial management is all company activities related to how the company obtains funds, uses the funds and manages assets in accordance with the overall company's objectives.
Financial management is related to three activities:
Activity of fund use, it is the activity to invest funds in various assets.
Fundraising activity, it is activity to obtain funding sources, both from internal and external funding sources.
Asset management activity, after funds are obtained and allocated in the form of assets, the funds should be managed as efficient as possible.
Financial management is all activities by asset acquisition, financing and management with some overarching objectives. Therefore, decision-making functions of financial management can be divided into three main areas: decisions in respect of investment, financing, and asset management.

Purpose and Steps of Financial Management

Purpose of Financial Management is to maximize the value of a company. Thus, if one day the company is sold, the price can be set as high as possible. A manager must also be able to suppress the flow of money circulation in order to avoid unwanted actions. Efficient financial management needs the existence of purposes and goals, which are used as standard in assessing the efficiency of financial decisions.
money management
The company's goal is maximizing the welfare of the owner. The amount of stock owned shows the ownership evidence of a company. Shareholder wealth is shown by the market price of the company, which is also reflection of investment, financing and asset management decisions. The success of a business decision is judged by the impact on stock prices.
Steps in Financial Management
Management has three important steps; planning, implementation and research, the three steps when implemented financial management becomes financial planning, implementation and assessment steps.
1. Planning (Financial Forecasting)
Financial forecasting in financial management is used to estimate the financial needs in the future. If the financial management does not try to anticipate the future financing needs of the company, then crisis will happen when treasury income is less than treasury outcome. Good planning is intended to anticipate and prepare the company to face the future condition, which, when the company should require the presence of additional finance, and also when the company is not able to generate treasury income.
2. Implementation (financial planning and budgeting)
To obtain more accurate estimate of the amount and timing of financing needs, it requires treasury budget. Percentage method for financial forecasting provides very useful introduction and low cost to develop more detailed treasury budget, which will be used to estimate the financing needs.
3. Research (budget function)
Beside as a tool for planning and management control, budget is also a tool for management to lead an organization in strong or weak position (Nana Fatth, 2000).

Senin, 03 Oktober 2016

Functions of Financial Management

Functions of Financial Management
a. Investment Decision
Investment is defined as an investment of company in real and financial assets. Financial decision is a decision on what assets will be managed by the company. Investment decision will directly influence to the amount of investment profitability (return on investment) and treasury flow of the company in the future.
financial management
b. Financing Decision
Financing decision studies funding sources on the liabilities side. Therefore, it needs to be considered a source of funds that has most minimal costs and favorable conditions. Fulfillment of funds can be done through internal and external company resources.
c. Dividend Decision
This decision is made to determine:
1. The amount of profit percentage distributed to shareholders in the form of cash dividends
2. The dividend stability to be distributed
3. Stock dividend
4. Stock split
5. Withdrawal of stock outstanding.

Here is a brief explanation of Financial Management Functions:
Financial planning, making income and outcome planning and other activities for a certain period.
Financial budgeting, following up of financial planning to make detailed outcome and income.
Financial Management, using company funds to maximize the funds available in a variety of ways.
Financial searching, finding out and exploiting the resources available for the operational activities of the company.
Financial storage, collecting funds and saving and securing the funds.
Financial control, evaluation and improvement of finances and financial systems in the company.
Financial Audit, internal audit on the financial company to avoid deviations.
Financial reporting, providing information about the company's financial condition as well as evaluation.

Principles of Financial Management

Principles of Financial Management
Financial Management in practice is an activity performed and appearing in order to make the finance of the company or organization ideal.
Therefore, in making financial management system, we need the following principles as the basis:
1. Consistency
In this principle, a system and financial policy must be consistent, not change from period to period, but keep in mind that the financial system does not mean that there is no adjustment if there is a significant change in the company.
2. Accountability
This principle is a moral or legal obligation, which is inherent to the individual, group or company to give explanation of how the funds or authority given to a 3rd party used.
3. Transparency
Management should be open to the work, provide information about the plan and all the activities concerned, including providing reasonable, complete, timely and accurate financial report which can be accessed easily by an interested party, if it is not transparent, it can indicate that management has hide something.
4. Viability
To maintain the financial company, all operational outcome or at strategic level must be adjusted to the existing funds.
5. Integrity 
Every individual should have integrity level that is capable in running operations. In addition, the records and financial report must be maintained the integrity with the completeness and the accuracy of financial records.
6. Stewardship
Financial management should be able to manage capably of the funds obtained and provide assurance that funds received will be used to realize the goals that have been set.
7. Accounting Standards
Financial accounting system used must be in accordance with the principles and standards of applicable accounting rules to make the financial report produced easily perceived and understood by all interested parties.