Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

Process of Character Formation in Children

Process of Character Formation in Children
Character formation of a child takes time and commitment of the parents and schools or teachers to educate the child to become characterized personal. It takes effort, time and love of the environment where he grows up, love here does not mean featherbed.
The character of a nation is an important aspect that affects socio-economic development. High quality character of the community will surely grow a strong desire to improve the quality of a nation. This best character development is when it is started at an early age.
children education
Thomas Lickona said, "A child is just a place in which a responsible adult can be created". Therefore, preparing the child is felicitous human investment strategy. A famous statement revealed, "Children are only about 25% of the total population, but they determine 100% of the future". It has been proven that the most effective period to form the character of children is before 10 years old. It is expected that character formation in this period will have impact that will last long for the moral formation of children.
It is normal if we expect the family as the main actors in educating basic morals in children. However, there are many children, particularly children who live in poor areas, do not get moral education of their parents.
Low socio-economic condition is related to various issues, such as poverty, jobless, low education levels, low socialized life, and usually it is also associated with high stress levels and further affecting the parenting. A study showed that children who live in poor areas 11 times higher in accepting negative behaviors (such as physical and mental violence, and neglected) than children from higher-income families.
Dorothy Law Nolte has stated that children learn from the life environment. The complete statement is:
If a child lives with reproach, he learns cursing
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns inferiority
If a child lives with humiliation, he learns self-sorry
If a child lives with tolerance, he learns restraint
If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate
If a child lives with the best handling, he learns justice
If a child lives with security, he learns to trust
If a child lives with support, he learns to please himself
If a child lives with love and friendship, he learns to find love in life
