Kamis, 25 Agustus 2016

How to Measure Motivation

There are several ways to measure motivation:

1. Projective Test
One of projective techniques widely known is Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). In this test, client is given a picture and the client is asked to make a story out of the picture.
In theory of Mc Leland, it was explained that humans have three needs: need for achievement (n-ach), need for power (n-power), and need for affiliation (n-aff). From the content of the story, we can examine a client's underlying motivation based on the concept needs.
2. Questionnaire
The trick is asking client to fill out a questionnaire containing questions that can provoke the client�s motivation.
For example is EPPS (Edward's Personal Preference Schedule). This questionnaire consists of 210 numbers which each number consists of two questions. Client is asked to choose one of these two questions that is more representative of him. From filling the questionnaire, it will be known the motivation of the client.
3. Observation
Another way to measure motivation is creating a situation so that the client can bring the behavior that reflects his motivation.
For example, to measure the desire to excel, the client is asked to produce origami in a certain time limit. The behavior observed is, whether the client uses the feedback given, takes risky decisions and concerns with the quality rather than quantity of work.

Senin, 01 Agustus 2016

Kangen Banget Mancing Ikan Wader, Akhirnya Kesampaian Juga

Mancing Ikan Wader itu asyik banget, itulah yg kenangan masa kecil yang tak pernah terlupakan..untuk mengobati rasa kangen mancing wader saya mengajak mertua yang memang doyan banget dan hoby mancing untuk pergi mancing di sungai.
Mancing disungai
Langsung saja kita meluncur di Sungai Luk Ula, kebetulan rumah mertua ada di Kabupaten Kebumen, Jawa Tengah sehingga kita mancingnua disana.
Umpan mancing yang kita pakai adalah campuran tepung, tempe, roti dan bawang putih..katanya sich umpan ini ampuh buat ikan wader.
Langsung aja sampai disungai saya lempar kail...eeee nggak berapa lama ikan wader nyanthol...alhamdulillah.
Mancing ikan wader
Tambah semangat aja mancingnya..karena baru lempar sebentar sudah dapat..satu persatu ikan wader cantik naik, lumayan besar untuk ukuran ikan wader.
Ikan wader, ikan sepat
Berhubung sudah sore dan rasa hati sudah puas, kita segera pulang...haaah senengnya bisa mancing lagi ikan wader di sungai.