Minggu, 31 Juli 2016

Definition of Health Behavior

Health behavior is a person's response to stimulus or object associated with health-illness, disease, and factors that affect health, such as environment, food, drink and healthcare.
health behavior
In other words, health behavior is all a person�s activities, both observable and unobservable. 
Health behavior is grouped into two:
1. The behavior of healthy people to stay healthy and increase
This behavior is called healthy behavior, including behaviors (overt and covert behavior) in prevention or avoidance of disease and disease causes.
For Example:
Eating with balanced nutrition, regular exercise, no smoking, no drinking, avoiding mosquito bites, brushing teeth before sleeping and after eating, washing hands with soap before eating, etc.
2. The behavior of sick people 
This behavior is called health-seeking behavior. This behavior includes actions taken by a sick person to obtain healing.
For Example:
Going to hospitals, clinics etc.
Health behavior done by someone is related to knowledge; the better knowledge of someone, the health behavior will be good.
Health behavior among individuals is also different each other, because it is influenced by many factors, such as economic factors, environmental factors, facility factors, and knowledge itself.
In the modern era like today in which there are many activity demands, we should realize the importance of health, it will create good and optimal behavior health. Thus, the condition of our health will be better.

The Importance of Health for Us

Health is the condition of the body that is free from pain, free from stress so that a person can do the activity optimally and think well.
health child
A healthy body very supports activities that we do, without good physical health then our daily activities will be disrupted. Physical health only is not perfect if it is not supported by our mental or mind health, because the function of the body will decrease if our mind health is disrupted.
The result of health disruption includes the declining performance of the body. This condition will be very disturbing our daily activities. If the situation or condition is prolonged, it will be dangerous for us, for example, we are unable to work.
Physical health and mental health are very important, but many people ignore it. Many people are not aware if their body has limitations in the function.
If we want to get good quality of health, we must know when the body has to stop working, when the body needs refreshing, and also should know good food for our body.
A balanced activity should actually be run; otherwise it would be bad for us.
One more thing that is often underestimated is our mental health that comes from spiritual activity. People are too busy with the material and forget the spiritual, that's what happened today. And if our spiritual health is not good, we will not be able to feel comfort of our minds.
Our success is largely determined by the good performance of ourselves and all can only be achieved if our body and our mental health are maintained. 

Jumat, 29 Juli 2016

Definition of Need and Desire

Need is situation that demands to be met. Need can be said as a condition of feeling not having the basic satisfaction. Humans need food, houses, clothing, security, etc. to be able to carry out their life. These needs are individuals that have to be provided or sought by the individuals themselves.
need desire
There are needs that are essential and unessential to be met. Essential need, for example,elementary education, and unessential need such as high education. People without elementary education are difficult to perform live, but people can still live without high education althoughthey only have low competitiveness. 
Desire is a willto meet the desired needs. Need of each person is different; it is due to lifestyle, cultural, andsocial economic factors. 
Someone who lives in village will probably have a simpler and easier desire compared to people who live in the city. Similarly, the desire for someone who lives in country A will be different from someone who lives in country B. 
Every human has needs that must be met, but if it is calculated, actually theneed is only few. It is different with the desire of someone who sometimes wants something that is not needed. 
In simple words, if we talk about need, it is associated with things that should be provided, while desire is booster to meet those needs. Without desire, the need will never be met.

Definition of Group

Definition of Group 
Group is an assembly of two or more people who interact and influence each other, and formed together based on common interests or goals. This statement contains the understanding that there must be interaction in a group of people who join in it to achieve a common goal.
To make the group managed develops towards the positive; there are several things that must be considered: 
1. Structure, it becomes important in a formal group in order to make the group solid and not get caught up in unnecessary conflict and interfere with the development of the group. 
2. Hierarchy Status, to make the goals to be achieved clear, it is necessary to control the hierarchy and authority and responsibilities of each member of the group. 
3. Role, the role of each member of the group must be adapted to the structure and hierarchy within the group in order to avoid overlap (over lapping) in processing of tasks / jobs. 
4. Norm, it is a rule of permissibility or suitability of something to be done and usually agreed by all members of the group. If there is a violation, normally it will be given social sanction prevailing in the group. Norm is required in a group to organize everything orderly and relationships among the members of the group become regular and orderly. 
5. Leadership, it is required as actuating of formality structure, clarity of hierarchy status, roles and norms. Without effective leadership, the four characteristics of the group will be useless. 
6. Compactness, it is necessary to cover the lack of leadership and weakness characteristic of other group members. 
The continuity of the group lies in the seriousness of each individual who joined the group for mutual renew the spirit of collectivity in achieving the goals set together by accommodating the most individual aspirations. The more aspirations of the group members are accommodated, the members of the group are more satisfied. Satisfaction of the members will make the existence of the group survived for a longer period of time.