Selasa, 02 Februari 2016

Definition of Educational Philosophy

Definition of Educational Philosophy according to some experts:
Philosophy of education is a regular activity of the thought, which makes philosophy as a way to organize, harmonize and integrate the educational process. (Al-Syaibani 1979)
Philosophy of education is a fundamental basic skill formation, concerning to the power of thought (intellectual), the power of feeling (emotional), and human nature (John Dewey, 1957).
Educational philosophy is a science that is essentially the answer to the questions in the field of education. Philosophy of education is an application of philosophical analysis to the field of education. (Imam Barnadit, 1993)
In the relationship between philosophy (general) and philosophy of education, philosophy of education has some limitations.
(1) Philosophy of education is a view implementation of philosophy and philosophical principles in the field of human experience called education. Thus, educational philosophy tries to explain and clarify that this human experience is appropriate to new life. Educational philosophy contains an attempt to find concepts that put human in the midst of various symptoms in educational process. Then, it can also attempt to explain the various meanings that become the basis of educational concepts with the foundation aspects of human attention.
(2) Studying philosophy of education because of the belief that the study is very important in the effort to improve education. Educational issues related to guidance, assessment, method and others are the responsibility of educational philosophy that relies on the guidance of students� behavior and attitudes towards society.
(3) Educational philosophy has principles, beliefs, concepts that are integrated each other. The principles intended are beliefs to the problems of education. It is disclosed to be the basis of statements, plans, programs, curriculum and teaching rules, which of course are expected to find solutions to the educational problems.
Philosophy (general) and philosophy of education have a close relationship. The goals are same; to strive together in developing human life.

Function of Educational Philosophy

The function of educational philosophy is to investigate comparison of the influences (1) of the competitive philosophies in the process of life and (2) of the possibility of educational processes and character development in order to find the desired educational management to foster the most constructive character for the youth and old. In addition, the function of educational philosophy is also to help pedagogical purposes which include four interrelated aspects, namely the functions of analysis, evaluation, speculative, and integrative. The same thing also was disclosed by Brameld that the function of educational philosophy is as a tool of analysis, criticism, synthesis and evaluation.
Brubacher in detail stated that the functions of educational philosophy are as follows:
1. Speculative Function
Function of Education is trying to understand the whole issue of education and to formulate it in a basic description as a scientific data complement. Philosophy of education also tries to understand the whole issue of education and its relationship with other factors that affect education.
2. Normative Function
The function of educational philosophy is as direction, guidance for the realization of education. This principle is summed up in educational purpose, which is to build an ideal society and establish norms aspired. Educational philosophy provides norms and consideration for the normative and scientific realities to form culture.
philosophy, thinking
3. Criticism Function
Function of educational philosophy is to provide basis of rational critical definition in considering and interpreting the scientific data. For example is measurement data of evaluation analysis, both personality and achievement. Criticism function also means analysis and comparative on something to get a conclusion. In this case, philosophy of education can set achievement classification appropriately with objective data (figures, statistics). In addition, philosophy of education is able to set assumptions or more reasonable hypothesis. Philosophy should be competent to overcome the weaknesses found by the scientific field and complete them with the data and arguments which do not come from scientific data.
4. Theory to Practice Function
All ideas, conceptions, analysis, and conclusions of educational philosophy serve as theory. This theory is the basis for the implementation / educational practice. Philosophy provides general principles for a practice.
5. Integrative Function
Educational philosophy has integrative function which is based on the understanding that philosophy of education is as spiritual principle or spirit of education.